Understanding the Basics:How to Calculate Audit Man Day is important
Determining the number of days for your ISO certification audit is very Important.
ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 contains principles and requirements for the competence, consistency and impartiality of bodies providing audit and certification. It is essential for CB to Calculate the effective audit man days for each Certification Audit as an competence criteria.
Audit duration for all types of audits includes on site time at auditee’s premises and time spent off-site carrying out planning, document review, interacting with auditee personnel and report writing.
The audit Man Days are calculated based on the Effective Number of Personnel's of your company for QMS, EMS, OHSMS
For the Initial certification ( Stage1 + Stage-2)The effective number of employees consists of all full time personnel involved within the scope of certification including those working on each shift.
The effective number of personnel involved within the scope of the certification is used as a basis for calculation of audit duration. Dependent upon the hours worked, number of part time personnel may be reduced and converted to an equivalent number of full time personnel. Appropriate reduction should be made to the temporary unskilled personnel who may be employed in considerable numbers in some organizations due to low level of technology and automation. Appropriate reduction of number of employees also should be made where significant proportion of staff carry out a similar simple function for instance: transport, line work, assembly lines, Workers working on construction site etc.,”
During the initial three year certification cycle, surveillance audit duration for a given organization should be proportional to the time spent on initial certification audit (stage 1 + stage 2), with the total amount of time spent annually on surveillance being about 1/3 of the
time spent on the initial certification audit.
To know exactly how many audit days are required, it is mentioned in IAF-MD-5 latest version 2022 in Table-1, Table-2 and Table-3 for QMS, EMS, OHSMS based on the Effective Employees. this you can Understanding the Basics using IAF MD 5 How to Calculate Audit Man Days
As per Rule Maximum reduction is allowed only 20% in all circumstances
However, Many of the Certification Bodies plays a gamic with you by giving lower number of audit days to win your business, which is not ethical and fair audit practices.
Therefore Companies applying for Certification audits must know this process so that they may know their audit man days exactly match to the IAF MD-5 Guidelines or not.